Wednesday, 31 December 2008


Adbusters is an organization founded in 1989 by kalle lasn and Bill schmalz in Vancouver, British columbia, canada.The adbusters group is a group that goes against adverts, they hate the fact that adverts bring in 7 billion pounds in the UK.they try to stop people buying into adverts and getting sucked in by adverts. They do this (ironically) by using adverts. They also promote a buy nothing day, meaning that people do not get sucked into adverts and go out and buy their products. Adbusters are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs, who make the spoof adverts to try making people think different about the product they are spoofing. They are doing this to stop Consumerism because they feel that it is destroying the planet.They feel the advertising industry is making people buy lots of things that they don’t need, which they say is leading to bigger problems like the credit crunch.
This is an adbusters spoof taken from the blockbusters advert. This advert makes out Blockbusters will empty out your wallet and makes it “an overpriced night”.The shape of the blue ticket is to represent a torn cinema ticket from the original advert. The bold yellow writing stands out and draws people into read what the advert is about.
Here is a link to the adbusters advert: on here you will find: news on what is going on, dates about buy nothing days. You can buy stuff from their shop, such as a television jammer, meaning you can turn off televisions to stop adverts from being shown. The adbusters get a lot of bad press shown about them and how them advertising their organisation is destroying america. Critics of Adbusters say that the organisation is anti- American as America was made rich because of capitalism.

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