Wednesday, 31 December 2008

New Music Technology.

New music technology has affected us by inventing
· IPods
· Mp3 players
· Internet: YouTube, Limewire, MySpace.
· Home Recording- Reason, Audacity, Fruit Loops.
Without any of these people would still have to buy cd's and singles from shops but now we can save money by downloading free music online, or buy cheap individual songs from Itunes. New Music Technology has also encouraged people to build cheap home recording studios.

· Buy music online
· Internet singles on iTunes are cheaper 79p versus £1.99 physical single. This encourages ‘Criminal activity’ Peer to Peer file sharing e.g. LimeWire.
· MP3’s are portable- especially compared to CD walkmans.
· Loads of tracks can be downloaded on to mp3s
· IPod: you can download Photos Videos Films TV.

· Apple are the world leaders in digital downloads: iTunes, iPhones, iPod
· Rupert Murdoch owns MySpace; His company News International own Fox, Sky, The Sun and many global media company:
· Google bought YouTube
· Radiohead gave there album away on-line.

Report one: Digital Music Industry.

  • Music is one of the most accsessed thing going. Digital music sales are averaged at 15%. Itunes is one of the biggest sellers for digital music, Itunes gets 75% of online sales, most of which are singles, whilst other sellers of online music include Napster, HMV digital, Ministry of sound and 7 digital and not all music downloads are legal.

  • Illegal downloading of music is mostly done by teenagers. It is averaged that only one in twenty downloads is legal. The reason younger teenagers are more likely to download illegally is because they are cash sensitive which means that they do not have the money to pay for the song downloads as they download more than any other age group.

  • You can also access music by online providers such as YouTube, they provide the music videos for free, you can also upload your own videos that you have created. MySpace is also an online site where bands can publish themselves or reach out to teenagers. They make a band profile, and get all their fans to comment them and talk to them, whereas internet providers are trying to crack down on illegal downloaders. If they catch you they will send you a formal warning but if it continues they will cut your internet.


Adbusters is an organization founded in 1989 by kalle lasn and Bill schmalz in Vancouver, British columbia, canada.The adbusters group is a group that goes against adverts, they hate the fact that adverts bring in 7 billion pounds in the UK.they try to stop people buying into adverts and getting sucked in by adverts. They do this (ironically) by using adverts. They also promote a buy nothing day, meaning that people do not get sucked into adverts and go out and buy their products. Adbusters are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs, who make the spoof adverts to try making people think different about the product they are spoofing. They are doing this to stop Consumerism because they feel that it is destroying the planet.They feel the advertising industry is making people buy lots of things that they don’t need, which they say is leading to bigger problems like the credit crunch.
This is an adbusters spoof taken from the blockbusters advert. This advert makes out Blockbusters will empty out your wallet and makes it “an overpriced night”.The shape of the blue ticket is to represent a torn cinema ticket from the original advert. The bold yellow writing stands out and draws people into read what the advert is about.
Here is a link to the adbusters advert: on here you will find: news on what is going on, dates about buy nothing days. You can buy stuff from their shop, such as a television jammer, meaning you can turn off televisions to stop adverts from being shown. The adbusters get a lot of bad press shown about them and how them advertising their organisation is destroying america. Critics of Adbusters say that the organisation is anti- American as America was made rich because of capitalism.
This is my cd cover I designed by using the Photoshop project.We started off by getting the picture of Hendrix from Google images and use a magnetic lasso to cut this image out. I learnt how to use this project and make this picture by using the magnetic croping tool on the original picture, put it on a new document 120mm by 120mm coloured the background black and grey, i then chose a font, made the font red, inner glow effect white and outer glow effect purple. I then changed the font and lowered the size to put 'number 1 bestselling album'.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

David Hasselhoff pepsi advert.

  • Denotations: The makers of pepsi are using david hasselhoff as their model due to that they believe that people will see him and beleive that its is 'cool' because david hasselhoff is. Also he is using the top of the pepsi as a stand for his mike.

  • Connatations: The makers of pepsi are using hassel hoff for many reasons. The main reasons of being that he has fans who will buy the product because he is on it, also it is made to almost look "sexual" because he is astride it, maybe trying to make people think they will be too if they buy this product. Also the makers are making this advert look almost like a pop video, which will attract the attention of people who enjoy the genre.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Project 1; part one.

What is advertising?
Advertising is how companies communicate to the public to try and persuade them to buy their products or services. They can advertise through different types of media such as: TV,Radio and Internet. The companies can also advertise through Billboards, magazines/newspapers and Buses, this is a good way to advertise to consumers as it persuades them to purchase the products/services. Advertising can also be used by organisations for example: political parties and military recruiters.

Messages and Values.
Advertising works by trying to create something where the consumers feel that if they consume the advertised product they will be improved in a certain way. An example of this is make-up adverts or body lotions such as, fake tanning lotions. In make-up adverts the advertising companies always use a really good looking, slim model who looks so 'perfect'. The model will look gorgeous and their skin will always be flawless making the advert persuade consumers to buy the product as people think if they purchase the product their skin will look like that too. This could cause anerexia in youngsters as they will try making themselves look like the airbrushed model in the advert. Kate Moss is a great example of the make-up advert who looks perfect.

Another similar example is clothing adverts. Adverts for big clothing brands for female clothing will almost always have a tall, skinny, very attractive model. For males clothing adverts the model will always be a nice looking, muscly male around 20-30 years old and the clothing will always look very good on them so again consumers will believe it will be the same for them and even aftershave adverts. They think it will look as good on them as it does the model but some how it never looks as good on the consumers. These companies always use skinny models again it makes consumers feel that they need to be extra skinny to look good-especially younger consumers, but it doesnt always work like that. Today companies spend over £17 million pound on advertising each year.

Celebrity Endorsement.

Celebrity endorsement is when companies or organisations employ celebrities to advertise their product or service. They use celebrities because then the public is more easy to influence if the person advertising is someone they admire or look up to. A good example of celebrity is David Beckham, not only is he a role model for hundreds of young children he is also admired by both women who want him and men who want to be him, he has done advertising campaigns for Adidas and Armani…

David Beckham embodies many values and aspirations such as success, fitness, skill and celebrity. Brands like Adidas and Amarni want to be associated with these values which is why they pay Beckham lots of money to appear in their adverts.