Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Wayne Rooney Nike Advert Analysis


This advert shows:
• Nike could want you to associate the advert with success.
• The red cross symbolises the English flag, which makes the advert cultural.
• The advert is political because it could be seen as offensive because the red cross looks like blood.


This advert also shows:
• Wayne Rooney looking like he has scored a goal.
• He is showing him being patriotic – with the red cross across his body.
• When his arms are stretched out it makes him look like the flag.
• His fists are clenched and he looks like he is shouting.
• The red cross looks like blood.
• His skin is made to look really pale and it makes the red look really vibrant and stands out.

1 comment:

City College Norwich Media said...

Some useful notes here Shelley. Could you use the notes to complete the full report in continous prose please.
