Friday, 31 October 2008


For this project I am going to investigate the advertising industry. I will investigate the messages and values that are found in TV and print adverts. I will also investigate the Key Concept of Representation and investigate whether men and women are potrayed in certain ways in TV and print adverts; and discuss whether the portrayals are fair and accurate. I will also conduct an experiment to see how many adverts you are bombarded with in 5 mins walking around Norwich. I will then investigate Adbusters and look at how online groups oppose advertising.

1 comment:

City College Norwich Media said...

Good introduction to the project brief. Please upload your written reports for Project One:

1) You need to investigate the advertsing industry. What is advertsing? How does advertising work? Why do companies spend so much money on advertising? How much is the advertising industry worth in the UK? What messages and values are within TV and print adverts? What us celebrity endorsement and why do companies want to be associated with certain celebrities?

Key Concept covered: Industry

Assessment Objective One (AO1): Knowledge and Understanding

Tasks: complete a report on the advertising industry that answers the above questions. Your report must take the form of an online blog. You must embed examples of TV and print adverts to help illustrate your points. All blogs must be through the site.

Assessment Objective Three (AO3): Production Skills

2) You need to investigate the ways advertising impacts on our daily lives. You need to complete a 5 min experiment to see how many adverts you are exposed to in Norwich in 5 mins. This experiment must be recorded onto a digital camera. You must photograph all of the adverts you see in 5 minutes!

Key Concept covered: Audience

Assessment Objective Three (AO3): Production Skills

3) You need to investigate what messages and values the advertising industry sends out to young people and whether you think that these messages and values put young people under too much pressure to be beautiful, thin etc. Your results must be written on your blog. Try to find one TV advert and one print advert that you think play on some young people's insecurities. Disuss the two adverts with friends and family and write down their thoughts; alternatively you can video or record their thoughts onto MP3 players and upload onto your blog.

Key Concept covered: Audience

Assessment Objective Two (AO2): Analysis and Interpretation

4) What does the organisation Adbusters do? How do they feel about the advertising industry and modern society in general? Search for Adbusters on You Tube - find two of their spoof TV ad campaigns - comment on the two adverts - what were Adbusters trying to say? What were they trying to make you (the audience) think about? Are the two adverts you have chosen effective? Give reasons for your answer. What are the similarities and differences between the spoof Adbusters ads and the real ones?

Key Concept covered: Industry
