Friday, 1 May 2009

Our Music Video

For my music video I did, ‘Just Dance’ sang by Lady Gaga. The reason why we chose this song is because I love to dance as I have been doing it since i was 6 years old so I thought it would be a good idea also the song was in the charts. The people who participated in the group were Sam Howes, Grant Greening and Lauren Cappuchio and me (Shelley Bridges). Sam just did the editing for us whilst me, Lauren and Grant were the performers. We did take it in turns to record on the Sony camcorder, which we all found fun as if we weren’t using that we were doing the lighting of the room. The lyrics in the song and the title of it ‘Just Dance’ made us come up with an idea of doing a dance routine to the song just as Lady Gaga had done in her music video also do clips of the lip syncing. We recorded this in the TV studio in the Norwich City College and changed the background a few times so it weren’t the same all the way through the video. We started off by me and Lauren getting recorded by Grant doing the clips together and just dancing with a black background and white costumes. Then we danced again together as a pair with a white background and black costumes. We then got recorded doing the routine on each of those backgrounds individually but this weren’t just once each, we repeated it lots as we wanted to make sure we were happy with our performance. Basically on the music video when it was edited by Sam of me and Lauren individually dancing, we were acting as ‘Lady Gaga’. In this music video of ours we had thought up many ideas that we couldn’t do such as; me getting out a really expensive looking nice car in a glittery costume and walking up the steps. The reason why we couldn’t do this as we wanted to was because we didn’t know whose car to use and it would have been a bit difficult so we thought of alternatives instead. The other idea’s we thought of was to begin the music by videoing a ‘Play’ button on a really old tape player but we couldn’t find an old enough tape player to carry. Basically our storyline was me and Lauren taking it in turns to be Lady Gaga, prancing around as she did on her music video and showing people you don’t care what they think. The idea was to build the confidence of ourselves up throughout the music video and show the audience our passion is to dance so ‘Just Dance’. We were all a bit nervous at first performing in front of each other but we soon overcome that. Grant was acting as ‘Akon’ on this video on the rapping part and we got the idea of his appearance from the music video ‘Acceptable in the 80’s’ by Calvin Harris. We took different camera shots like close ups, medium close ups and also changed the lighting on each piece of recording. When we started editing our music video we weren’t 100% sure we had all footage recorded, so we were going to do more recording but decided to do a rough edit of the footage we already had first to make sure. In the end we had just about enough material to produce the complete video. We were well organised as a group as we had done a lot of pre-production work when we printed all lyrics out and made a storyboard up to roughly follow also thought carefully about the contrasts of our costumes and the background scenes. By doing this music video it has gave us a taster of what the real famous pop singers and dancers have to go through. I personally think that our music video was a great success and very enjoyable. It was the most fun part of the GCSE media course.

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